Arya Linux: GNU/Linux Distribution Built From Scratch

Arya Linux distro: Introduction

Arya Linux: GNU/Linux Distribution Built From Scratch

Arya Linux is a GNU/Linux Operating System built from scratch (LFS or Linux From Scratch). The official Arya Linux editions include GNOME, KDE Plasma, Xfce, and MATE.

You can download a version of the operating system that includes either GNOME,  Xfce, KDE plasma, ... from the official webpage of AryaLinux project in sourceforge :

GNU/Linux Distribution

I first heard about Arya Linux in a podcast interview with the CEO, Carl Sabin. He talked about his journey, and how he built the company. He explained that he had zero experience building software, so he turned to the community for help. He found the right people to build the product he wanted, and now it is available to everyone.

The Linux operating system was originally designed by programmers and engineers for programmers and engineers. But over time, it became the operating system of choice for anyone who wanted to customize their computer or learn how it works. 

Today, there are many Linux distributions available, from light-weight alternatives for beginners to powerful servers for experts. Some distributions are based on the original Linux kernel while others are based on a modified version of the Linux kernel called the Linux Kernel.

Arya distro screenshot

Arya Linux is a distribution focused on security and privacy. It uses the most secure operating system in the world, the BSD kernel, and blocks as much of the spying and tracking that comes with the default operating system. It also uses the dark theme, which makes it harder to track you.

Customizing a Linux system to your needs. Experiencing the most powerful features of the best Linux distributions. Discover the best Linux distro for you. --- Introduction: The Linux operating system is one of the most flexible and powerful systems in the world.

Arya Linux Installation

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